2024 Membership Benefits
All STANDARD membership levels for 2024 include:
- ENGAGE: Business referrals and introductions; invitations to all chamber events; weekly enews, an annual digital membership list upon request; and more.
- EDUCATE: Education and training opportunities; advocacy support on local and national levels;
- EMPOWER: Access to the Member Information Center (MIC) for the posting of your events, press releases, job listings, deals and more; weekly exclusive member marketing eblasts that currently reach over 800 subscribers; MemberPlus mobile app; online enhanced directory listing; sponsorship opportunities; ribbon cutting and open house support; HRH Health Clinic access; and more.
Annual Standard membership levels:
$240 up to 20 employees
$350 21 - 50 employees
$750 51+ employee
All PREMIUM membership levels include all the standard membership benefits listed above plus a scrolling sponsor logo on the chamber home page, one ticket to the monthly engagement event, and two tickets to HC Women Connect in October at Brownsburg. In addition:
BRONZE ($1000) level also includes a shared hole sponsorship at our annual golf outing and other marketing opportunities;
SILVER ($1500) level also includes foursome and shared hole sponsorship at the annual golf outing and other marketing opportunities;
GOLD ($2500) level also includes foursome and exclusive hole sponsorship at the annual golf outing; 2 Business Buzz eblasts; discount on full page directory ad and additional marketing opportunities;
PLATINUM ($4000) level also includes an exclusive hole sponsorship and foursome at the golf outing; a leaderboard ad on the Chamber web home page; one exclusive monthly event sponsorship; 4 Business Buzz eblasts; discount on full page directory ad and additional marketing opportunities.
For memberships over $5,000 annually, customized packages are available.
Networking Opportunities
The Chamber offers a great forum for members to meet other business leaders in the community. Attend Chamber events -new in 2024 a mix of monthly networking luncheons and after hour events, the third Wednesday of every month - subject to date changes, monthly morning networking coffee chats the fourth Thursday of every month Jan-Oct, and collaborative events with other county chambers. Many new opportunities continue to be introduced.