Thank you for your interest in the Greater Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce!
To better serve you, we operate by appointment only because of limited staffing at this time. We would love to find a convenient time to meet with you! Please feel free to email us at with your preferred dates and times, and we will promptly schedule an appointment.
Thursday Oct 5, 2023
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
Begins promptly at 8am
Brownsburg Community Schools
School Board Room
F.L. O'Neal Administration Office
310 Stadium Drive
Brownsburg IN 46112
Free and open to all but pre registration is required. Limited seating capacity.
Greater Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce
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Join us for the last session of the 2023 Hendricks County Public Policy Education Series as we focus on how Hendricks County employers can control healthcare costs. Presenters include: Gloria Sachdev, PharmD President and CEO of Employers Health Forum of Indiana and Brandon Smith RN MS Director of Business Development of Hendricks Regional Health.
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