Thank you for your interest in the Greater Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce!
To better serve you, we operate by appointment only because of limited staffing at this time. We would love to find a convenient time to meet with you! Please feel free to email us at with your preferred dates and times, and we will promptly schedule an appointment.
Hendricks County Military Veterans Social Club
Date and Time
Friday Jul 14, 2023 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
Every Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Mental Health America of Hendricks County
75 Queensway Drive
Avon Indiana 46123
Entrance on south side of building
Mental Health America of Hendricks County Send Email
Hendricks County Military Veterans So...
Are you a US Service Member or Veteran of the US Military? If so, come by the office of Mental Health America of Hendricks County any time from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm to grab a hot meal and network with other military veterans. MHAHC offers networking, peer support, art wellness, lunch, board games, and fellowship for any US Military Service Members and Veterans every Friday.
Stop by for coffee and a snack, or stay the entire time! Just bring your DD214. All branches welcome!