Thank you for your interest in the Greater Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce!
To better serve you, we operate by appointment only because of limited staffing at this time. We would love to find a convenient time to meet with you! Please feel free to email us at with your preferred dates and times, and we will promptly schedule an appointment.
Monday Jan 30, 2023
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM EST
Breakfast served at 7am
Reserve your seat by contacting Janna Bolen at or by phone at (317) 745-4463 by the Thursday prior to the breakfast. *If schools are closed, breakfasts will be canceled.
Janna Bolen
Send Email
This is your opportunity to hear first-hand what's happening during session at the Indiana Statehouse! These annual legislative breakfasts are the largest publicly attended events in Indiana during session,
We have invited Representatives Becky Cash, Craig Haggard, Greg Steuerwald, and Jeff Thompson to join us, along with Senators Brian Buchanan, John Crane, and Mike Young.
There will also be time for a Q&A portion
Sponsored by Hendricks County Farm Bureau, Hendricks Power and NSSB
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